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Tigerbalm/Tiger Tiger Tiger Campaign Red Wanjin Oil Campaign Boom Yuxiang Ointment 19.4g/Boxing Qi Tongluo Win Meridity Anti -pain relief is used for muscle pain

Product information

Code 609918839050
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Status: New
In stock: 44 PCs
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Vendor info

Name: 健康源大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 健康源大药房旗舰店
Located in: Shenzhen, Guangdong , Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.85
Goods valuation: 4.81
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Package Type: Standard installation;
Product name: Tiger label camphor -thin jade ointment 19.4g ...;
Brand: Tiger label;
Approval Number: ZC20120003;
Manufacturer: Tiger Leopard Medical Health Care Co., Ltd.;
Product dosage: Hard ointment;
Usage: External use;
Dose: External use, rub the affected area.;
Pharmaceutical name: Camphor jade ointment ointment;
Drug Name: Camphor jade ointment ointment;
Validity period: 48 month;
For people: Aldult;
Pharmaceutical category: Traditional Chinese medicine;
Drug classification: Prescription;
Disease: Muscle ache; Pain; Joint pain; Muscle pain; Flexible; Promoting blood circulation; Relieve pain; Blood circulation and pain;
Symptom: Pain;
Drug specifications: 19.4g/box;