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Laundry capsules, fresh fragrant capsule, concentrated laundry ball, 152 pieces

Product information

Code 605997494845
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000
Sales volume: 4
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Vendor info

Name: 易海购美国代购直邮
Shop name: 张大大上海costco代购
Shipping estimate: 4.87
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.88
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Effect: Antibacterial; Softening; Color care/enlargement;
Whether to make a vendor: Yes;
Place of origin: USA;
Brand: KIRKLAND; Signature/Kokland;
Fragrance: Natural incense;
Sales unit: Bottle;
Original description

[Product Name] Shanghai Costco Kirkland Kokland Laundry Naging Pearl 152 Fresh Fragrant Capsules 3.6kg Bottle

[Product specifications] 3.6kg (152) (152)

【Inspection Period】 18 months

[How to use] 1. A laundry capsule can be used to wash the amount of general clothing once

           2. This product is not suitable for pre -processing or hand -washing, nor is it suitable for use outside the washing

           3. Please take this product with dry hands

           4. After taking this product from the box, throw it directly into the washing machine, and then add the clothing

           5. Cover the box to save the box tightly to avoid moisture and put it back to the storage location

           6. After using this product, please clean your hands