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304 stainless steel barrel soup bucket commercial thickened belt covering electromagnetic cooker halogen boiled soup home round water barrel rice barrel oil barrel

Product information

Code 605467215928
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Status: New
In stock: 316 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 20
Price per 1 piece :
23.14 $11.40 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 20 barrels 20 × 20 6L (thick model)
11.40 $
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Vendor info

Name: 欧美尼旗舰店
Shop name: 欧美尼旗舰店
Located in: Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.67
Goods valuation: 4.49
Service evaluation: 4.63
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Sort by color: 20 barrels 20 × 20 6L (thick model); 25 barrels 25 × 25 10L (thick model); 30 barrels of 30 × 30 20L (thick model); 35 barrels, 35 × 35 35L (thicker model); 40 barrels 40 × 40 50L (thick model); 45 barrels 45 × 45 70L (thick model); 25 barrels 25×27 10L Induction cooker gas available; 30 barrels 30×32 20L induction cooker gas available; 35 barrels 35×37 35L induction cooker gas available; 40 barrels 40×42 50L induction cooker gas available; 45 barrels 45×47 70L induction cooker gas available; 50 barrels 50×52 90L induction cooker gas available; 30 pot 30×20 13L (extra thick); 35 pot 35 × 24 20L (special thickness); 40 pot 40 × 27 25L (special thickness); 45 pot 45×28 35L (extra thick); 50 pot 50 × 29 40L (special thickness); 60 pot 60×38 80L (extra thick); 30 barrels 30 × 30 20L (304 special model); 35 barrels 35 × 35 35L (304 special thickness); 40 barrels 40 × 40 50L (304 special thickness); 45 barrels 45 × 45 70L (304 special thickness); 50 barrels 50 × 50 90L (304 special thickness); 60 barrels 60 × 60 170L (304 special thickness); 20 barrels, 20 & times; 20 6L (thick model); 25 barrels 25 & times; 25 10L (thick model); 30 barrels of 30 & times; 30 20L (thick model); 35 barrels 35 & times; 35 35L (thick model); 40 barrels 40 & times; 40 50L (thick model); 45 barrels 45 & times; 45 70L (thick model); 25 barrels 25× 27 10L Induction cooker gas available; 30 barrels 30× 32 20L Induction cooker gas available; 35 barrels 35× 37 35L induction cooker gas available; 40 barrels 40× 42 50L induction cooker gas available; 45 barrels 45× 47 70L Induction cooker gas available; 50 barrels 50× 52 90L induction cooker gas available; 30 pots 30× 20 13L (extra thick); 35 pot 35 & times; 24 20L (special thickness); 40 pot 40 & times; 27 25L (special thickness); 45 pot 45× 28 35L (extra thick); 50 cookers 50 & times; 29 40L (special thickness); 60 pot 60× 38 80L (extra thick); 30 barrels 30 & times; 30 20L (304 special thickness); 35 35L (304 special model); 40 50L (304 special thickness); 45 70L (304 special thickness); 50 barrels 50 & times; 50 90L (304 special model); 60 barrels 60 & times; 60 170L (304 special model);
Brand: Odini;
Model: DY-TG-304;
Capacity: More than 12L;
Whether to fold: No;
Shell material: Stainless steel;
Bucket classification: Pure bucket;