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Nitto Rido 3tpm/4TPM/6TPM/4TSM/8TPM/3TSM/2TSM/3TSM fast connector

Product information

Code 602799524546
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
Price per 1 piece :
2.26 $
Local delivery:
1.51 $
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3.77 $
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Vendor info

Name: xunailin1110
Shop name: 日东接头代理
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.91
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Sort by color: 1TPM 【Male 1/8'】; 2TPM 【Male 1/4'】; 3TPM 【Male 3/8】; 4TPM 【Male 1/2'】; 6TPM 【Male 3/4'】; 8TPM 【Male 1'】; 10TPM 【Male 1-1/4】; 1TSM 【Female 1/8’】; 2TSM 【Female 1/4’】; 3TSM 【Female 3/8’】; 4TSM 【Female 1/2’】; 6TSM 【Female 3/4’】; 8TSM 【Female 1’】; 10TSM【Female 1-1/4’】; 1TPM; [Male head; 1/8']; 2TPM; 1/4']; 3TPM; 3/8]; 4TPM; 1/2']; 6TPM; 3/4']; 8TPM; 1'】; 10TPM; 1-1/4】; 1TSM; [Mother head; 2TSM; 1/4’】; 3TSM; 3/8']; 4TSM; 【Female 1/2’】; 6TSM; 8TSM; 1’】; 10TSM【Female; 1-1/4'];
Brand: Rita;
Model: 123468TPH; 2TSH; 3TPM; 4TSM; 6TPF; 8TSF;
Place of origin: Japanese;
Original description

For medium pressure TSP Quick Connector

Valveless structure, suitable for high viscosity liquids.

Diversified body materials, sizes and installation shapes.

With valve-free structure, pressure loss is greatly reduced and large flow rate is achieved.

Suitable for high viscosity liquids (such as oils, etc.).

Various body materials, sizes, and installation shapes have been standardized to cope with a wide range of uses and conditions.

Braided hoses can be installed without hose clamps.

The main body material is steel (nickel plated), brass and stainless steel.

Sealing material is nitrile rubber Indicates markNBR(SG) , temperature range-20℃ ~+80

              Fluorine rubber Indicates markFKM(X-100),Operating temperature range-20℃ ~+180

              Vinyl rubber Indicates markEPDM(EPT),Operating temperature range-40℃ ~+150