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707 Ruyi Jinhuang Powder 12g*10 bags clear heat and detoxify swelling and relieve pain damage to the skin, redness, swelling, heat and pain

Product information

Code 595296452719
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Status: New
In stock: 134 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
5.60 $33.71 $
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0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Product name: 12g*10 bag x 1 box
33.71 $
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Vendor info

Name: 康康大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 康康大药房旗舰店
Located in: Taizhou, Zhejiang , zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.83
Goods valuation: 4.83
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Brand: 707;
Approval Number: State medicine quasi -word Z32020732;
Product dosage: Scattered agent;
Manufacturer: Jiangsu Seventy -0 Seven Natural Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;
Product name: 12g*10 bag x 1 box 12g*10 bag x 2 box 12g*10 bag x 3 box 12g*10 bag x 5 box 12g*10 bag x 10 box; 12g*10 bag x 1 box; 12g*10 bag x 2 boxes; 12G*10 bag x 3 boxes; 12G*10 bag x 5 boxes; 12g*10 bags x 10 boxes;
Usage: External use;
Drug classification: Non-prescription drugs;
Validity period: 36 month;
Dose: Apply it with vinegar or onion wine; you can also use vegetable oil to adjust, several times a day.;
Pharmaceutical name: Ruyi Golden San;
Drug Name: Ruyi Golden San;
For people: For details, please refer to the instructions or medical and health professionals guidance;
Specification: 12G*10 bag/box;
Category: Traditional Chinese medicine;
Pharmaceutical packaging specification: 12G*10 bag;
Disease: Clear heat and detoxify, bruises and damage, reduce swelling and relieve pain;
Symptom: Skin redness;