Catalog Products for adults منتجات للبالغين Contraception and pregnancy planning Condoms

Dorodes imported ultra -thin rose fragrance condoms for men and women with husband and wife, climax, insurance condoms

Product information

Code 594731130986
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Condom specification: Other specifications
Color: Other colors
Sort by color: 01: 3 pieces in total] 1 box of Dolux Ultra Thin Rose
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Vendor info

Name: 衡阳老百姓大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 衡阳老百姓大药房旗舰店
Located in: Hunan
Shipping estimate: 4.83
Goods valuation: 4.83
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Condom specification: Other specifications;
Color: Other colors;
Sort by color: 01: 3 pieces in total] 1 box of Dolux Ultra Thin Rose; 02: 9 pieces in total] 3 boxes of Dolux Ultra Thin Rose; 03: 15 pieces in total] 5 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses; 04: Total 30 pieces】10 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses; 05: 12 pieces in total] 1 box of Dulux ultra-thin roses; 06: Total 36 pieces] 3 boxes of Dolux Ultra Thin Rose; 07: 60 pieces in total] 5 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses; 08: 120 pieces in total] 10 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses; 09: 15 pieces in total] 1 box of Dulux ultra-thin roses 3 + 1 box of Dulux ultra-thin roses 12; Other colours; 11: Total 75 pieces] 5 boxes of Dolux ultra-thin roses 15 pieces + 5 boxes of Dolux ultra-thin roses 60 pieces; 12: Total 150 pieces] 10 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses 30 pieces + 10 boxes of Dulux ultra-thin roses 120 pieces; 01;
Brand: Donless/Du Leis;
Place of origin: Import, from Malaysia;
Shelf life: 5 years;
Constitution (X) font size: National Food Drug Administration (in -in) word 2011 No. 2662302;
Material component: Latex;
High condom nominal size: Medium (33mm diameter, width 52 & plusmn; 2mm);
Condom: Hola;
Adult products fragrance: Fruit, fragrant;
Manufacturer: Malaysia;
Product Standards: GB7544;
Product name: Dolux Ultra Thin Rose;