Catalog Goods for tourism and recreationبضائع السياحه والترفيه Hygiene products Disposable toilet seats

Disposable handheld toilet seat for traveling

Product information

Code 583780081316
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Real weight: 0.207 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 20
Sales volume: 1101
Price per 1 piece :
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Navy blue
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Vendor info

Name: 梧桐安
Shop name: 梧桐旅行生活馆
Shipping estimate: 4.92
Goods valuation: 4.90
Service evaluation: 4.92
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Sort by color: Navy blue; Blue; Color; Transparent; Purple; Light grey; Dark gray; Chocolate; Light green; Red; ArmyGreen; Azure;
Brand: CityThere./;
Whether: Yes;