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High -pressure water drum roller tube device universal rotation universal connection 3 points 4 points, 4 points, outer wire high -pressure water drum into the water connection

Product information

Code 581452142202
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Status: New
In stock: 194 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
5.39 $3.02 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Internal elbow
3.02 $
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Vendor info

Name: 杨15088262165
Shop name: 芊泓机械
Shipping estimate: 4.96
Goods valuation: 4.96
Service evaluation: 4.96
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Sort by color: Inner wire elbow, new three-point joint 16MM, new joint 21MM, adapter; Internal elbow; New three-point connector 16MM; New connector 21MM; Adapter;