Catalog Food and drinks ماكولات ومشروبات Cookies, cakes and pastries Traditional cakes

Baicao flavored meat muffin 1kg traditional pastry to relieve snack breakfast bread full box casual snacks snack food

Product information

Code 578453182791
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100000
Sales volume: 80000
Price per 1 piece :
7.74 $5.30 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Taste: [Classic Explosion-approximately 28 small bags] 1000g of meat muffins
5.30 $
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Vendor info

Name: 百草味旗舰店
Shop name: 百草味官方旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.83
Goods valuation: 4.79
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Production Date: 2024 years, 08 month, 2024 years, 10 month; 2023-09-07; 2023-11-30;
Brand: BE & CHEERY/Baicao flavor;
Series: Meat muffin;
City: Luzhou City;
Cake type: Meat muffin;
Taste: [Classic selling - about 28 small packets] 1000g meat muffin [Prices for affordable stocking] 1000g meat muffin 2 boxes [Go to visit relatives and friends and give gifts with noodles] 1200g meat muffin gift box 1200g/about 36 bags [Try fresh pack - about 8 small packets] 260g meat muffin 260g; [Classic Explosion-approximately 28 small bags] 1000g of meat muffins; 【Enjoyable stock】Meat muffins 1000gx2 box; [Traveling relatives and friends, giving gifts with noodles] Meat muffin gift box 1200g/about 36 bags; [Few on the Form-About 8 Packets] Pattipipes 260g of meat muffins; [About 28 small bags] meat muffin 1000g; [Environmental installation] meat muffin 1000gx2 boxes;
Net weight: 1000g;
Packing: Pack;
Special product category: Other;
Province: Anhui Province;
Types of packaging: Box;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Production license number: SC12434110105073;
Product standards: GB/T 20977; GB/T; 20977;
Factory name: Anhui Panpan Food Co., Ltd.;
Site: No. 365, Jiangxi Road, Jiangxi Road, Chengdong Industrial, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Luzhou City;
Factory contact information: 400-881-0118;
Ingredient: See packing;
Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place;
Shelf life: 180 days; 180;
Food additive: See packing;