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Ink soft head Beautiful pen tap water -colored pen -style soft pens Calligraphy Calligraphic

Product information

Code 570208088751
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Status: New
In stock: 9 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 20
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Pure Hua [White Spike] Give a bottle of 5ml color ink
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Vendor info

Name: 小抄小抄小抄抄
Shop name: 字里行间文创集
Shipping estimate: 4.6
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Model: White tip;
For people: Student;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Sort by color: Pure Flower [White Spike],; Transparent blue【white tip】,; Transparent red [white tip],; Light yellow [white tip],; Mint【white tip】,; FAQ 1,; FAQ 2; Pure Hua [White Spike] Give a bottle of 5ml color ink; Transparent blue [white tip] Give a bottle of 5ml color ink; Transparent red [white tip] Give a bottle of 5ml color ink; Light yellow [white tip] Give a bottle of 5ml color ink; Mint [White Point] Give a bottle of 5ml colored ink; FAQ 1;