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PT pressure connecting hydraulic hose joint PPT-1/2/3/4/5/7/8/9/10/4/4/m14*1.5

Product information

Code 564597822532
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Status: New
In stock: 393 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 7
Sales volume: 100
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: M14*1.5-m16*2【Free shipping for more than 3】
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Vendor info

Name: tops混搭
Shop name: 斯普锐德挖机配件
Shipping estimate: 4.85
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.84
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Sort by color: M14*1.5-m16*2【Free shipping for more than 3】; ZG1/8-M16*2; M1/8*1.5-M6*2; G3/8-M16*2; ZG1/4-M16*2; 9/16-18UNF-M16*2; M10*1.25-M16*2【Free shipping for more than 3】; G1/4-M16*2 [Free shipping for more than 3]; M8*1-M16*2; M10*1-M16*2; G1/8-M16*2; M12*15-M16*2; ZG3/8-M16*2; G1/2-M16*2; G1/8; M20*1.5-M16*2; M16*1.5-M16*2; 7/16-20UNF-M16*2; 1 pressure measuring hose (1.5 meters); The above -mentioned pressure joint is domestically produced; 12 sets of pressure -measuring joints (12 specifications); G1/4-M16*2; 【Free shipping for more than 3】;
Brand: Splede;
Model: SPRD;
Installation method: 20;
Original description

Specification parameters of pressure measuring joint:

Public system:M8*1  M10*1  M10*1.25  M12*1.5  M14*1.5 M16*1.5 M18*1.5

British system:G1/8  G1/4  G3/8 

US system:7/16 9/16

24 Capted series: M12 M14 M16 M18 M22