Catalog Construction, Decoration Materialsانشاءات ,مواد ديكورات Plumbing pipes, fittings PVC pipe and accessories

Lianlang PVC-U drainage pipe 50 75 110 160 sewage pipes directly through the elbow triple pipe joint

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Code 563648504778
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Status: New
In stock: 9568 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Breathable cap 50
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Vendor info

Name: lesso联塑康亿家专卖店
Shop name: lesso联塑康亿家专卖店
Located in: Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.8
Goods valuation: 4.8
Service evaluation: 4.9
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Sort by color: Breathable cap 50; Breathable cap 75; Three links of three links 50; Reduced diameter 45 degrees inclined tee 50*32; Reducing sleeve 75*50; Small head (core replenishment) 75*50; Eccentric reducer sleeve 75*50; Simple floor drain 50; 45 degrees elbow 50mm; 45 degrees elbow 75mm; Pass to 50; Link to 75; 90 degrees elbow 50mm; 90 degrees elbow 75mm; Different diameter three links 75*50; P -shaped water bend 50; Tube cap 50; Tube cap 75; Check the mouth nut 50; Inspect the mouth nut 75; Leak-proof ring 50; Leak-proof ring 75; Please consult other specifications and products;
Brand: Lesso/Lianlang;
Series: PVC drainage series;
Material: PVC;
Same city service: Logistics of the same city logistics;
Pipe diameter: DN50 (2 inch tube);
Sales unit: Rice;
Original description