Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care Child security tools Self-adhesive bumpers on sharp edges

Children's ecological tape, protective corner covers for table

Product information

Code 558632079257
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 5000
Sales volume: 2174192
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Thick L type-rice color
Length: Thickened [2m installation+4 meters glue]
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Vendor info

Name: 爱贝迪拉旗舰店
Shop name: 爱贝迪拉旗舰店
Located in: Jiangsu
Shipping estimate: 4.84
Goods valuation: 4.80
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Goods number: AB-9012; AB-9010; AB9011; AB-9012 AB-9010 AB9011;
Suitable age: 9 month; 32 month; 13 month; 20 month; 16 month; 31 month; 17 month; 33 month; 14 month; 4 years old,; 15 month; 25 month; 4 month; 11 month; 18 month; 7 month; Newborn,; 1 month; 3 month; 30 month; 10 month; 5 month; 21 month; 35 month; 6 month; 12 month; 34 month; 23 month; 6 years old,; 3 years old,; 5 years old,; 19 month; 28 month; 8 month; 2 years old,; 26 month; 22 month; 27 month; 2 month; 29 month; For new born, 9 month, 32 month, 13 month, 20 month, 16 month, 31 month, 17 month, 33 month, 14 month, 4 years, 15 month, 25 month, 4 month, 11 month, 18 month, 7 month, 1 month, 3 month, 30 month, 10 month, 5 month, 21 month, 35 month, 6 month, 12 month, 34 month, 23 month, 6 years, 3 years, 5 years, 19 month, 28 month, 8 month, 2 years, 26 month, 22 month, 27 month, 2 month, 29 month;
Length: Thickened [2 meters pack + 4 meters of glue],; Thickened [Photo 2 meters for 2 meters = 4 meters for pack + 8 meters of glue],; Thickened [Photo 8 meters get 8 meters = 16 meters + 10 corners + 32 meters of glue],; Thicked [Upgrade Back Plastic Model; Tear and use] 2 meters pack,; Tear and use】4 meters pack,; Tear and use] 6 meters pack,; Use it as soon as you tear] 10 -meter installation; Thickening [2m installation+4 meters glue] Thickened [Taking 2 meters to send 2 meters = 4 meters+8 meters glue] Thickened [Shoot 8 meters to send 8 meters = 16 meters+10 angle+32 meters glue]Thickening [Upgraded glue model is to tear and use it] 2 meters dense [upgrade the glue model is to tear it out] 4 meters dense [upgrade the glue model is tear and use it] 6 meters thickPlastic model is to tear and use] 10 meters installation; Thickened [2m installation+4 meters glue]; Thickened [2 meters to get 2 meters = 4 meters to pack + 8 meters of glue]; Thickened [Photo 8 meters get 8 meters = 16 meters + 10 corners + 32 meters of glue]; Thicker [Upgrade the back glue model is to tear and use] 2 meters installation; Thicked [Upgrade the back glue model is to tear and use] 4 meters installation; Thicked [Upgrade the back glue model is to tear and use] 6 meters installation; Thicked [Upgrade the back glue model is to tear and use] 10 meters installation;
Sort by color: Thickened L-shaped-beige,; Thickened L-shaped - light gray,; Thickened L-shaped - dark gray,; Thickened L-shaped - yellow,; Thickened W-bee,; Thickened W-dark gray,; Thickened W-yellow,; Thickened W-light gray,; Thickened L-shaped-pink,; Thickened W-Pink,; ..,; .; Thickened L-shaped - light green,; Thickening W-shaped green; Thick L type-beige thickened L type-light gray thickened L type-dark gray thick L type-yellow thick W type-beige thickened W type-dark gray thick W-shaped-yellow thick WLight gray thick L-shaped-light green thick L shaped-pink thickened W-type-pink thickened W-shaped-light green; Thick L type-rice color; Thick L type-light gray; Thick L type-deep gray; Thick L type-yellow; Thickened W-type-rice color; Thickening W-shaped-dark gray; Thickening W-yellow; Thick W type-light gray; Thick L type-pink; Thickened W-type-pink; ..; Thick L type-light green; Upgrade thicker and width L shaped-light purple; Upgrade thicker and width L shaped-light green;
Brand: Aibedila/Aibadira;