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Proto 10mm series 3/8 public system 12 corner plum blossoms and sleeve 13mm J5013m spot

Product information

Code 552518831981
Status: New
In stock: 99999 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
41.36 $7.54 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
7.54 $
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Vendor info

Name: top0103tools
Shop name: 进口工具现货中心
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Brand: PROTO;
Model: J5013M;
Material: Chromium -chrome alloy steel;
Specification: 10mm;
Category: Extended;
Formula: Public system;
Original description

Proto 10MM series 3/8 metric 12-angle plum blossom extended sleeve 13mm J5013M Spot

Model: J5013M

Brand: Proto

• Proto's 12 corner sleeve can be used for screwing hard-to-treat or damaged fasteners, as well as soft material fasteners.

• TorquePlus design is a high-performance drive structure that allows the sleeve to quickly and easily contact the side of the fastener hexagon head instead of

Contact edges and corners.

• The arc design of the TorquePlus structure at the corners makes the force distributed on a larger area of ​​the sleeve and the stress is away from tight

The corners of the firmware should be avoided to the greatest extent.

• TorquePlus design inside the sleeve prevents fastener slipping, thereby extending the service life of the fastener, which enables the user to

Easily disassemble worn, rounded or rusty fasteners.