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Panasonic AVF200-0042 0154 0072 0224 VF200 Inverter Panel AVF200-0374

Product information

Code 551598256860
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Status: New
In stock: 50 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: AVF200-0022(200V 0.2KW)
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Vendor info

Name: yueyue3966109
Shop name: Panasonic 松下神视全国工控店
Shipping estimate: 4.5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.9
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Model: Panasonic inverter;
Sort by color: AVF200-0022(200V 0.2KW); AVF200-0042(200V 0.4KW); AVF200-0072(200V 0.75KW); AVF200-0224 (400V 2.2KW); AVF200-0154(400V 1.5KW); Genuine; AVF200-0374(400V 3.7KW);
Original description





The Panasonic Industrial Control Products sold by this store,All are Panasonic's new original genuine,Plc purchased in our store. According to the manufacturer's regulations, the warranty period is three years, the Panasonic sensor, the warranty for one year, once again ensure that the Panasonic PLC sold by the store again, the Panasonic sensor is genuine, and the child is not bully.

This store solemnly promises: resolutely do not sell high imitation goods, second -hand goods, renovation.All the products sold in Panasonic are all new original genuine products.

Entity operation, integrity -based, original genuine,

Panasonic's products are taken by the owner of the owner,

Regarding products: Customers can put 120 hearts, absolutely absolutely the new original genuine Panasonic.



Please ask the owner if you have the stock in advance. If you reply to the goods and pay the goods, if there is no spot, please be shipped according to the agreed time of the reply. Thank you!

The following is the official website of Panasonic Electrician For unknown, please check the official website of Panasonic