Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Sockets and accessories Head drums

German Weite manufacturer supply Lifetime free replacement 3/4 stroke artillery four -corner industrial sleeve

Product information

Code 546515185962
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 33 six cents
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Vendor info

Name: 好运汽保工具大全
Shop name: 佐源气动工具
Shipping estimate: 4.62
Goods valuation: 4.85
Service evaluation: 4.85
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Sort by color: 33 six cents; 32 six cents; 30 hexagon; 27 six cents; 24 hexagon; 22 six cents; 21 Hexagon; 46 six cents; 19 hexagon; 41 hexagon; 17 six cents; 38 hexagon; 36 six cents; 34 hexagon;
Brand: Prestige;
Model: 20;
Material: Chromium -chrome alloy steel;
Specification: 19mm;
Category: Standard;
Formula: Public system;
Original description

Warm reminder: Hello, buyers!Welcome to the store. Now our boss strictly requires the quality of customer service. If you find that the customer service attitude is bad during the shopping process, the after-sales service is not timely, and the chat is perfunctory, you can call our store owner: 18115503756 Manager He!We must seriously deal with customer service quality!I hope you have a good mood in shopping and I wish you a good product!


The store promises: Our products are original genuine, ensuring the quality. If you are not satisfied with the seven days from the date of purchase (on the premise of not affecting the secondary sales), you can return the goods unconditionally.Don’t seek benefits, just reputation.Thank you for visiting and patronizing.Manager He: 18355254667!

High-quality chromium molybdenum steel(10 times more durable than ordinary vanadium steel)Forged, integrated heat treatment;Thickening treatment, strong impact resistance;Black surface 



Specifications: 3/4 (19mm) Wind Cannon Sleeve 17MM-46MM

Our shop defaults toYunda Express EMS Express, first choiceRhyme, if you need to send other express delivery, please contact customer service to confirm.Yunda EMSIf you do not contact the customer service, please pick up your own if you confirm other express delivery.The buyer is responsible for the freight fee issued if he does not pick it up.


The product is to be accepted by the above terms. Thank you for your cooperationEssence

◎The pictures in this store were taken by the owner themselves, not online pictures. Many tools in the store are basically bright mirrors, and the pictures are slightly dark, not black. If you have any requirements for color, please contact the owner to ask about the actual color.

◎All the treasures listed on the shelves are in stock.If the store owner is not here, you can take a photo directly.
 The shipment will be taken before 18 o'clock and the shipment will be taken after 18 o'clock.

◎Return the goods without quality problems, and the round-trip shipping fee for exchange is borne by the buyer.
If there is a quality problem, the seller will bear the round-trip shipping fee, but the original outer packaging and all related accessories must be maintained, otherwise there will be no return or exchange.
Please contact the store owner for special circumstances.The items in this store are not bargained. If you purchase a large amount of goods and sell them wholesale, please contact the store owner.

◎Your evaluation is very, very important to us. Please review our store while confirming receipt.If there is any problem with the quality of the baby, please contact the store owner and do not give a high or bad review at will.Thank you O(∩_∩)O~

◎Contact me     Tel: 18355254667