Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Spanners Imbusovye keys (hex)

Shida inner hexagonal wrench 82303A 82304A 82305A 82306a 82307a 82308A flat head

Product information

Code 544315735223
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 7
Price per 1 piece :
0.58 $0.31 $
Local delivery:
4.96 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: ArmyGreen
5.27 $
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Vendor info

Name: 集尔锐五金专营店
Shop name: 集尔锐五金专营店
Located in: Shanghai
Shipping estimate: 4.87
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Sort by color: ArmyGreen; Azure; Chocolate; Orange; Light grey; Light green; Light yellow; Dark khaki; Dark gray; Dark purple; Navy blue; 82303A (chromium vanadium steel 3.5mm) 82304A (chromium vanadium steel 1.5mm) 82305A (chromium vanadium steel 2mm) 82306A (chromium vanadium steel 2.5mm) 82307A (chromium vanadium steel 3mm) 82308A (chromium vanadium steel 4mm) 82310A (chromium vanadium steel 5mm) 82312A (chromium vanadium steel 6mm 82313A (chromium vanadium steel 7mm) 82314A (chromium vanadium steel 8mm) 82316A (chromium vanadium steel 10mm);
Brand: SATA/Shida;
Model: 82303A;
Formula: Public system;
Material: Chromium -chrome alloy steel;