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IPEX to SMA mother headhole SMA to ipx rotor wifi/gsm/3g/gps/4G module connection cable

Product information

Code 531527616060
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 200000
Sales volume: 200000
Price per 1 piece :
0.34 $11.80 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: A model 1st generation-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RF1.13 line
Length: 0.05m
11.80 $
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Vendor info

Name: 东莞脉讯电子
Shop name: 东莞市脉讯电子有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4.7
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Brand: Pulse news;
Length: 0.05m; 0.1m; 0.15m; 0.2m; 0.25m; 0.3m; 0.4m; 0.5m; 0.6m; 0.8m; 1m;
Suitable: Other;
Sort by color: A; 1st generation-SMA11 teeth; B; C; 4th generation-SMA11 teeth; D model; E model; Welding-SMA11 teeth; F; G style; H style; I; J; K; 1st generation-SMA13 teeth; L; 1st generation-SMA15 teeth; M; 1st generation-SMA waterproof 11 teeth; N; 1st generation-SMA waterproof 15 teeth; O; 1st generation-SMA inner thread inner hole; P style; Welding-SMA internal thread internal needle; Q style; 1st generation-SMA internal thread inner needle; R style; 1st generation-SMA elbow inner thread inner needle; S style; Welding-SMA elbow inner thread inner needle; T model 1st-SMA elbow 11 teeth; U Type 1 generation SMA-KWE elbow; V.; W; X style; 1st generation IPEX-welding line; A model 1st generation-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RF1.13 line; 1st generation-SMA11 outer screw internal needle RF1.13 line; C Type 4th Generation-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RF1.13 line; D model 4th generation-SMA11 outer screw internal needle RF1.13 line; E-type welding-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RF1.13 line; F-Welding-SMA11 outer snail internal needle RF1.13 line; G style 1st generation-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RG178 line; H type 1st generation-SMA11 outer screw internal needle RG178 line; I model welding-SMA11 outer screw internal hole RG178 line; J-type welding-SMA11 outer snail internal needle RG178 line; K style 1st generation-SMA13 outer snail inner hole RF1.13 line; L style 1st generation-SMA15 outer screw internal hole RF1.13 line; M the 1st generation-SMA waterproof 11 tooth holes RF1.13 line; N model 1st generation-SMA waterproof 15 tooth holes RF1.13 line; O model 1st generation-SMA internal thread internal hole RF1.13 line; P type welding-SMA internal thread internal needle RF1.13 line; Q model 1st generation-SMA internal thread internal needle RF1.13 line; R style 1st generation-SMA elbow inner snail inner needle RF1.13 line; S type welding-SMA elbow inner thread inner needle RF1.13 line; T model 1st-SMA elbow 11 tooth outer snail internal hole 113 line 113; U Type 1 generation SMA-KWE elbow 11 tooth holes 113 line 113; V-style 1 generation SMA-KWE elbow 9.5 tooth inner hole 113 line; W model 1st generation-SMA13 outer snail internal needle RF1.13 line;
Original description

Warm reminder: 1 item = 1 item, the connector model and serial number have been updated. Please confirm before placing an order!!