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Buy 1 get 1 get 1] Calcium Xiaotianjia chewing tablets 50 tablets of children and adolescent students calcium tablets calcium carbonate supplementation

Product information

Code 523963828699
Status: New
In stock: 2917 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
34.25 $10.34 $
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0.00 $
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Minimal lot:
10.34 $
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Vendor info

Name: 金谷安润食品专营店
Shop name: 金谷安润食品专营店
Located in: zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.90
Goods valuation: 4.89
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Brand: Caltrate/Calcium Erqi;
Approval Number: National Food Jianzi G20080493;
Specifications: 2.0g/piece*50 pieces;
Product dosage: Tablet;
Whether to wear a gift box: No;
Whether to import: No;
Health food product name: Calic R Xiaota Kajia chewing tablets (chocolate flavor);
Product name: Calic R Xiaota Kajia chewing tablets (chocolate flavor);
Function: Add a variety of minerals and vitamin D;
Efficacy ingredients/iconic ingredient content: Each tablet contains: 350mg of calcium, 6mg of zinc, 5.58mg of iron, 0.53mg of copper, 4.5μg of vitamin D3;
Unsuitable crowd: Infant;
Main ingreadient: Calcium carbonate, vitamin D3 powder (bile calcification, vitamin E, hydrogenated soybean oil, brush glue, sucrose, corn starch), aberbate, copper carbonate, zinc oxide, lignol, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, all -all, whole wholeLipid milk powder, cocoa powder, chocolate flavor (malt paste, cocoa powder, milk powder, citron, butyl), creamy fragrance (ethyl incerain, fragrant, Δ-twelve, wheat starch, glucose, glucose, glucose, glucose, glucose, glucose, glucose, Cream, butter, silica), magnesium magnesium;