Catalog Construction, Decoration Materialsانشاءات ,مواد ديكورات Plumbing pipes, fittings Fittings Tees

Line plastic three -way steel plastic three -way steel plastic composite tube lining the same diameter plastic three -way plastic lining plastic parts steel plastic and other diameter diameters

Product information

Code 522952488060
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: DN15 (1/2 ") 4 points
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Vendor info

Name: tb39336876
Shop name: 宏扬批发部
Shipping estimate: 4.92
Goods valuation: 4.94
Service evaluation: 4.96
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Sort by color: DN15 (1/2 ") 4 points; DN20 (3/4 '') 6 points; Dn25 (1 ") 1 inches; DN32 (11/4 ") 1.2 inches; DN40 (11/2 ") 1.5 inches; Dn50 (2 ") 2 inches; DN65 (21/2 ") 2.5 inches; Dn80 (3 ") 3 inches; Dn100 (4 ") 4 inches; DN15; (1/2 "); 4 points; DN20; (3/4''); 6 points; DN25; (1"); 1 inch; DN50; (2"); 2 inches; DN80; (3"); 3 inches; DN100; (4"); 4 inches;