Catalog Construction, Decoration Materialsانشاءات ,مواد ديكورات Paint & Accessories Polyurethane paint Water -based wood paint

Dongsheng Water Paint Environmentally friendly water-based wood paint paint white furniture refurbishment paint wood door paint top paint 1L

Product information

Code 521688677130
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Status: New
In stock: 583 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Capacity: 1L
Sort by color: White
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Vendor info

Name: 东盛特种涂料
Shop name: 东圣水漆官方商城
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Capacity: 1L;
Sort by color: White;
Brand: East Saint;
Model: Wooden white finish;
Coating: Matte;
Applicable part: Other/Other;
Coating category: Tacit;
Material: Water -based acrylic;
Painted color classification: Transparent;