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Cotton pads, cosmetic hygienic disposable children's handheld cotton swabs for mother and baby

Product information

Code 521384712516
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Status: New
In stock: 262 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume: 40
Price per 1 piece :
2.13 $12.50 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Sort by color: Polygonum+spiral head 100 1 bag 1 bag
12.50 $
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Vendor info

Name: young8822
Shop name: Acare家居用品体验店
Shipping estimate: 4.77
Goods valuation: 4.67
Service evaluation: 4.75
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Sort by color: Polygonum+spiral head 100 1 bag 1 bag; 100 double -pointed heads 100 bags 1 bag; Beeper+spiral head 200 1 tube; 200 double -pointed heads 200 1 tube; Polygonum+spiral head 100 X2 bags; 100 X2 bags of double -pointed heads; Polygonum+spiral head 200 X2 tube; 200 X2 tube with double -pointed head; Polygonum+spiral head 100 X3 bags; 100 X3 bags of double -pointed heads; Polygonum+spiral head 200 X3 tube; 200 X3 tube with double -pointed head; Polygonum+spiral head 100 X4 bags; 100 X4 bags of double -pointed heads; Polygonum+spiral head 200 X4 tube; 200 X4 tube with double pointed head; Polygonum+spiral head 100 X5 bags; Two -pointed top 100 X5 bags; Polygonum+spiral head 200 X5 tube; 200 X5 tube with double pointed head; Polygonum+spiral head 100 X10 bags; Two -pointed top 100 X10 bags; Polygonum+spiral head 200 X10 tube; 200 X10 cylinders in double pointed heads;
Brand: Acal/sing heated;
Goods number: mb-001;
Types of packaging: Canned;
Head count: 2 heads;
Count: 200;
Whether to make a vendor: No;