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Big disposable black plastic garbage bag

Product information

Code 521382632185
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Real weight: 0.295 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 60000
Sales volume: 3000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 60 in the garbage classification bag blue
Thickness: Thickening
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Vendor info

Name: 集美饰品商城
Shop name: 集美日用家居商城
Shipping estimate: 4.9
Goods valuation: 4.5
Service evaluation: 4.8
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Brand: Polish;
Size: 45×55cm, 60×80cm;
Sort by color: Royal blue; Light green; Purple; Pale pinkish gray; Hidden green; Transparent; Blue; Pink; Green; Light purple; Black; Color; Peacock blue; Orange red; Fluorescent green; Violet; Chestnut; 60 in the garbage classification bag blue; 60 pink pinks in garbage classification; 60 bags of garbage category bags; 60 blacks in garbage category bags; 60 colors of garbage category bags; Value -value specially installed blue 100; Value special preferential pink pink 100; Value special presented green color 100; Value -value specially installed purple 100; Value special preferential black 100 one; Value -value Special Equipment 100 Color 100; Good quality boutique packaging blue 100; Good quality boutique packaging pink 100; Good quality boutique packaging purple 100; Good quality boutique packaging green 100; Good quality boutique packaging black 100; Good quality boutique packaging color 100; Nordic fashion boutique packaging blue 100; Scandinavian fashionable fuchsia pack; Scandinavian fashionable purple pack; Scandinavian fashionable green pack; Nordic fashion boutique packaging black 100; Nordic fashion boutique packaging color 100 colors; Bald blue large blue 100; Green, big; Purple, big; Herbal color large pink 100; Tibetan blue large black 100; 100 transparent large colors; Blue generation blue 150; Pink generation pink 150; 150 green generations green; Light purple generation purple 150; 150 black generation black; 150 colors of colorful colors; Peacock Blue Second Generation Blue 150; Orange red second -generation pink 150; Fluorescent green second -generation green 150; Purple Lan second generation purple 150; 150 black two -generation black two generations of black; Blue second -generation color 150;
Product Types: Housework;
Garbage bag type: Point -off;
Only: 60 or over;
Goods number: 2500 9400 1831;
Junk bag attribute: Roll;
Thickness: Thickening;
Shape: Flat;
Whether to make a vendor: Yes;