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Sai Lizhu furniture care agent Selicu leather care agent most provinces and cities six bottles of free shipping

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Code 44594874069
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Status: New
In stock: 177 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 27
Sales volume: 27
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Leather care agent
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Vendor info

Name: 家具维修材料经销商
Shop name: 中华美客家具维修材料
Shipping estimate: 5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.5
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Sort by color: Leather care agent; Medical furniture, conditioner;
Original description

For orders that meet the free shipping conditions in the store, please contact customer service to modify the postage.Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hainan, Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, NingxiaThese provinces do not have free shipping, you only need to make up a small amount of postage difference

The Blue Peacock Series Sai Lizhu Furniture Care Agent produced by Shenzhen Saiya Company is rich in silicone oil and emulsion wax. It is specially formulated for wooden furniture. It is unique in care for furniture and is extremely convenient to use. It sprays and wipes, decontamination and polishing is completed at the same time, and provides special protection to provide comprehensive care of the furniture.