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Code 41846143503
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 7
Sales volume: 4000
Price per 1 piece :
0.24 $5.78 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 12cm magnetic disk with 04 1
5.78 $
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Vendor info

Name: 尹为爱情
Shop name: 美多批发商贸
Shipping estimate: 5
Goods valuation: 4.8
Service evaluation: 4.6
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Sort by color: 12cm magnetic disk with 04 1; 04#16# with magnetic 14.7CM 1; 04#18# with magnetic 17CM 1; 04#20# with magnetic 19CM 1; 04#22# with magnetic 21CM 1; 04#24# with magnetic 23CM 1; 04#26# with magnetic 24.6CM 1; 05#16# with magnetic 15.4CM 1; 05#18# with magnetic 17.3CM 1; 05#20# with magnetic 19.2CM 1; 05#22# with magnetic 21.2CM 1; 05#24# with magnetic 23CM 1; 05#26# with magnetic 25.2CM 1; 05#28# with magnetic 27CM 1; 05#16cm unmagnetic 1; 05#18#No magnetism 17.7CM 1; 05#20#No magnetism 19.7CM 1; 05#22#No magnetism 21.5CM 1; 05#24#No magnetism 23.5CM 1; 05#26#No magnetism 25.5CM 1; 05#28#No magnetism 27.5CM 1; 304 16cm magnetic-free disk 1; 304 18cm magnetic-free disk 1; 304 15cm magnetic-free disk 1; 14cm magnetic disc 04 actual size is a little more than 12; 16cm magnetic disc 04; 18cm magnetic disc 04; 20cm magnetic disc 04; 22cm magnetic disc 04; 24cm with magnetic disc 04; 26cm magnetic disc 04; 16cm magnetic disc 05; 18cm magnetic disc 05; 20cm magnetic disc 05; 22cm with magnetic disc 05; 24cm magnetic disc 05; 26cm magnetic disc 05; 28cm with magnetic disc 05; 16cm magnetic-free disk 05; 18cm magnetic-free disk 05; 20cm magnetic-free disk 05; 22cm magnetic-free disk 05; 24cm magnetic-free disk 05; 26cm magnetic-free disk 05; 28cm magnetic-free disk 05; 12cm magnetic disk; 14cm with magnetic disc 04;
Popular elements: Small freshness;
Style: Chinese style;
Tea tableware process: Carving;
Disk type: Flat plate;
Suitable: Adult; Aldult;
Size: 6 inches;
Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Geometric: Circular;
Number: 1;
Whether to: No;
Material: 201 stainless steel;
Pattern: Other/Other; Other;
Brand: WLD;
Original description

Fill in 1 quantity to buy one, and you can buy it for free shipping in most areas after buying ten.The one with magnetic is iron, the one without magnetic is stainless steel. 04 05 represents thickness, the one with 05 is slightly thicker, and the quality of the one without magnetic is better. There is a actual size comparison table for details. Please read and compare carefully before placing an order and select the model you need to place an order. If you have to pay for shipping if you are less than ten items, please contact customer service for details.