Catalog Auto and Moto Products ادوات السيارات والدراجات Body parts and accessories Fuel tank cap

Van, car fuel tank anti -theft lock large truck fuel tank lock lock new fuel tank lock to prevent stolen oil from black

Product information

Code 40292544402
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Status: New
In stock: 348 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 10 cm oil lid cover 14 cm 1 free shipping
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Vendor info

Name: 邢雅冉
Shop name: 用欣养殖畜牧设备
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.86
Service evaluation: 4.85
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Sort by color: 10 cm oil lid cover 14 cm 1 free shipping; Oil lock oil 11.5 cm oil cover 14cm; Lock, 1 pieces; Lock oil port 10 cm; Free shipping for 14 cm oil cap; Large truck lock; 1 free shipping;
Brand: Foton/Fukuda;
Model: Big truck;
Original description

  Nowadays, international and domestic oil prices have continued to soar, resulting in the increasing theft of fuel tanks of large trucks across the country, and drivers have suffered heavy losses.They constantly strengthen the fuel tank cover, but they still cannot fundamentally solve the problem. The oil is still stolen. Is there really nothing I can do about it??

This product will solve the problem of oil stolen after the fuel tank cover is pried!!! This model has an oil port 11.5 cover 14cm

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