Catalog Food and drinks ماكولات ومشروبات Traditional food additives Pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements Mulberry leaf

Chinese medicinal materials authentic new goods wild frost mulberry leaves 500g gram natural farmhouse selected winter mulberry tea dry Chinese herbal medicine

Product information

Code 39779979829
Status: New
In stock: 99999 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 20
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Vendor info

Name: 中药材批发东方
Shop name: 创业小子0
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.73
Service evaluation: 4.77
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Brand: Other/Other;
Series: Mulberry leaf;
Specification: 500 gram;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Province: Anhui Province;
City: Bozhou City;
Packing: Edible agricultural products;
Suitable: Applied;
Net weight: 500g;
Original description