Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Sockets and accessories Sockets 12-point

Heavy scarf, helmet, tubular collar, big wrench, tools set

Product information

Code 37187755858
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Status: New
In stock: 983 PCs
Real weight: 2 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10
Price per 1 piece :
9.91 $5.99 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Cream, white
5.99 $
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Vendor info

Name: 莱斯五金工具
Shop name: 拓驰工具企业店
Shipping estimate: 4.80
Goods valuation: 4.76
Service evaluation: 4.79
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Sort by color: Cream, white; White; 18mm; 17mm; 65mm1 inch interface; 60mm1 inch interface; 55mm1 inch interface; 50mm; 46mm; 41mm; 38mm; 36mm; 34mm; 32mm; 31mm; 30mm; 29mm; 28mm; 27mm; 26mm; 24mm; 23mm; 21mm; 22mm; 19mm; 42mm;
Brand: Takachi;
Model: 3/4; Inch 19;
Material: High-carbon steel;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Specification: 19mm;
Category: Standard;
Formula: Public system;
Original description



Heavy-duty sleeve Plum blossom socket Heavy-duty manual socket Twelve corner socket Interface sleeve wrench

The quad-side interface of 17-50mm is 3/4  19mm

The 55-65mm four-side interface is 1 inch  25mm

Because the size of the model is different, the weight is different, the above shipping fee is not standard.Set this weight to the average value. After the buyer takes the photo, please contact customer service to modify the shipping fee (the automatic shipping fee is not actually charged). 

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