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Black pure copper electric bottle wire motor line to open the moving line and the iron line crossing the Jianglong fire line 25/30/35 square meters

Product information

Code 26990324969
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Status: New
In stock: 2 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
3.88 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Price of 25 square meters
3.88 $
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Vendor info

Name: 佳易坊
Shop name: 佳易坊汽车配件
Shipping estimate: 4.95
Goods valuation: 4.95
Service evaluation: 4.95
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Sort by color: Price of 25 square meters; Price of 30 square meters; 35 square meter price;
Brand: Pure product headquarters;
Goods number: Battery fire line;
Original description

This is a more practical onePure caronThe battery is equipped with a hot wire, and you can customize the cross-river dragon with a hot wire. The owner of this store is made by hand, (You can contact our customer service directly or leave a message), battery cable has25Square sum30square35The three types of flat, the big clips are the same, there are two types: red and black.Both large clips and pure copper wire are quite practical.


【pay attention】When you fire the battery, be sure to hang it in neutral and pull the handbrake to avoid danger!!!

【Kind tips】When the battery is on fire, keep your eyes away from the fire line and do not approach children!




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