Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Sockets and accessories Sockets 6-point

Electric wrench, gloves, magnetic strong magnet, flashlight, electric drill, screwdriver

Product information

Code 25693080926
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 988
Sales volume: 100
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Vendor info

Name: 佰瑞特旗舰店
Shop name: 佰瑞特官方旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.91
Goods valuation: 4.91
Service evaluation: 4.91
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Sort by color: H5*65 strong magnetic; H5.5*65 strong magnetic; H6*65 strong magnetic; H1/4*65 strong magnetic; H7*65 strong magnetic; H8*48 strong magnetic; H8*65 strong magnetic; H8*100 magnetic; H8*150 magnetic; H9*65 strong magnetic; H10*48 Magnetic; H10*65 strong magnetic; H10*100 magnetic; H10*150 magnetic; H11*65 strong magnetic; H12*48 Magnetic; H12*65 strong magnetic; H12*100 magnetic; H13*65 strong magnetic; H14*65 strong magnetic; H15*65 strong magnetic; H16*65 strong magnetic; H17*65 strong magnetic; H18*65 strong magnetic; H19*65 strong magnetic; H5*80 Unlocked; H5.5*80 Unlocked; H6*80 Unlocked; H7*80 Unlocked; H8*80 Unlocked; H9*80 Unlocked; H10*80 Unlocked; H11*80 No magnetic; H12*80 Unlocked; H13*80 Unlocked; H14*80 Unlocked; H15*80 Unlocked; H16*80 Unlocked; H17*80 Unlocked; H18*80 Unlocked; H19*80 Unlocked; 14 pieces;
Brand: BRT/Berreter;
Model: Hexagon sleeve M6-M19;
Material: Carbon steel;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Province: Guangdong Province;
City: Shenzhen;
Specification: Other/Other;
Category: Standard;
Formula: Public system;
Original description

brandBRT/BerreterMaterialCR-V high-grade chromium steel steel
nameHexagonal sleevemagneticStrong magnetic
parameter   65mm     6.35 Mom (1/4)package instructionPlastic bag/carton
Specification 7mm/8mm/10mm/12mm/14mm/17mm
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