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Factory direct selling 200 liter barrel lid cover large oil barrel lid large barrel lid to lyt lid galvanized barrel lid screw lid

Product information

Code 19405094364
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Status: New
In stock: 274 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
0.06 $5.99 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Small cover without pad
5.99 $
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Vendor info

Name: 北方桶盖工具
Shop name: 北方桶盖工具
Shipping estimate: 4.5
Goods valuation: 4.6
Service evaluation: 4.5
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Sort by color: Small cover without pad; Large cover without pad; A set without a pad; A set of pads in size; Small cover with pad; Large cover with pad;
Original description

Sealing circle link
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This product is the price of a large cover.Intersection

200LThe steel barrel (iron barrel) lid, the barrel port is suitable for international universal200Lift(53gallon)Large -capacity oil barrels are equipped with polyvinyl chloride sealing rings. The sealing effect is good. It is widely used in the liquid packaging industry such as barrels, tanks, lubricating oil, coatings, chemicals, oil, grain and oil.High quality and excellent price.Welcome to buy.

  freight declarationTheBecause the customer is different, the price of express delivery is different, and the product types are different in different weights, so the self -determined price of the system is not an accurate price.If you are big, you can still be appropriateFreight freightIntersectionIntersectionIntersection

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