Type of suppliers
- Goods: 14233
- Shown: from 1 to 40 from 14233
Sold: 9000
Sold: 1000
Sold: 2000.41 $ 304 stainless steel clamp pipe clamp strong American throat clamp clamp pipe clamp pipe clamp water pipe bracket bridge buckle0.62 $
0.41 $ -
Sold: 5000.68 $ Fastening hood foil 150-200mm hood exhaust pipe throat throat 200mm general card hoop wind pipe hoe hug hug tube clip0.76 $
0.68 $ -
Sold: 86
Sold: 4000
Sold: 10000.76 $ 304 stainless steel throat hoop card hoop tube pipe tube holding hood hood hood hood hood washing machine gas pipe0.95 $
0.76 $ -
Sold: 50
Sold: 50
Sold: 240.53 $ 304 stainless steel P -shaped tube card single bilateral card riding horsepa Mantica U -shaped card -type water pipe fixed clip buckle1.19 $
0.53 $ -
Sold: 20
Sold: 20
Sold: 100
Sold: 600
Sold: 100
Sold: 100
Sold: 100
Sold: 100
Sold: 20
Sold: 20
Sold: 100
Sold: 670.67 $ 304 stainless steel U-shaped baffle plate, pipe baffle plate, square gasket, clip pipe clamp, U-shaped screw bolt baffle plate0.69 $
0.67 $ -
Sold: 10
Sold: 10
1.73 $ Card hoop water pipe stainless steel card hoop powerful fixing the water pipe oil pipe fixed clip hug the throat hoop to collect tight hoop1.96 $
1.73 $ -
Sold: 4
0.97 $ Ponetic water pipe buckle fixed card pipeline PPR pipeline gas pipeline gas pipe clamp U -shaped round tube -free wall -free wall1.46 $
0.97 $ -
1.06 $ Exempted punching can regulate the gas pipe fixed card water pipe buckle gas pipe liquefied gas pipe clip -threading wall buckle1.59 $
1.06 $ -
Sold: 10
Sold: 50
Sold: 3
0.79 $ 304 Stainless Steel Card Holding Throat Holding Handle Fast Gas Tube Blocking Powerful Reactor Pipe Pipe Card fixing Card1.18 $
0.79 $ -